Inside Berlin
90 € the hour
One hour more. 80 €
- inside of Berlin
- Home or Hotel
- Truck or Office
The prices in Berlin amount from 90 €, each additional hour 80 €. Several hours are possible, all information that you will receive the phone.
Surrounding Berlin
110 € the hour
One hour more. 80 €
- outside of Berlin
- Home or Hotel
- Truck or Office
Prices for outside Berlin start from 120 €, the exact amount will depend on your zip code or location. Learn more possible cost phone.
Exclusiv Top Models
120 € the hour
One hour more. 100 €
- inside of Berlin
- Home or Hotel
- Truck or Office
Extravagant Top Models private visit at home or in the hotel as well as in the office. Order Today, our Ladies and recognize the special service. Get all the details by phone.